Thursday, August 28, 2008
Here's where we call home now after a month of crazyness. Honestly here's a rundown if you don't know. My water broke at 30 weeks on the dot so on July 26 we wandered into Theda Clark not knowing what was happening or going to happen and on August 22 I walked out. In the meantime for those 28 days Shane worked his normal long shifts, packed the house, got things ready for the move, got Gavin where he needed to be each morning and night, ordered appliances, packed some more of the house up, got everything organized, tried to visit as much as possible since I was stuck. We had enormous help from my parents and Shane's. The most bizarre thing is I never got to go back to my hold house, I left thinking I'd be back, i'd have time to spend with my neighbors before we were gone and when we walked out of the hospital on 8/22 we went to our new house and then to the closing. I haven't been back to the old neighborhood but I know we will soon to visit. Shane and I joked we'd have this baby on the moving day which was 8/21 and sure enough, 5 am i was having contractions, I thought nothing of it as it was pain I had had for some time up there but when it got worse I knew it was more. I had to have the hospital call Shane becuae I couldn't and as I was finishing up with my epidural Shane arrived and so did the baby 45 minutes later at 9:29 am. Shane thought his buddies were playing a joke but no so much. It was quick and easier this time around so he was able to run out and supervise some of the move but what other way do we seem to do thing? Gabriel Carl Meitner, 4 pounds 14 ounces and 18.5 inches long arrived on 8/21. Nothing but crazyness for our family. We aren't settled quite yet, baby Gabe has to stay in the NICU for a little bit just becuae he was 6 weeks early. He's doing awesome and eating from a bottle from day 1. He isn't hooked up any IV or anything else anymore, he was getting IV for extra calories but never had a problem with eating. He was a bit jaundice but that is gone and he's up to 5 pounds. We are hoping no more than 2 weeks. He just needs to be eating 45 ml (an ounce and a half) and then he can come home. They just gradually increase the amount he gets is all that's happening with him. It's wierd, he's so wide awake and alert just that he's such a peanut.

We will sure miss this place and all our friends and neighbors which became family to us.
This is how the batchelors lived while I was in the hospital.
Not as scary as it seems, this is when he first arrived and the majority of all the wires are hooked to him to track his heart rate and blood pressure etc. He does have a few lines into his belly button but they are now removed, that's where the IV is inserted since there are no nerve endings there babies don't feel it.
He had the oxygen for afew days but it was just there if he needed it for extra air. Gabe was doing just fine without it and it was set at a very low amount. He's much tougher than Gavin, no issues with anything like Gavin had at all. All the doctors and nurses are quite impressed with him.
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